Exposition of Genesis【電子書籍】[ HC Leupold ]

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<p>Dr. Herbert Carl Leupold, Columbus, Ohio, was born at Buffalo, N. Y., on July 23, 1891. He received his early education in the Lutheran parochial schools at Buffalo and later finished his elementary and secondary education in the Buffalo public schools. He received his pre-seminary and seminary training at the Martin Luther Theological Seminary at Buffalo, NY., which was discontinued when the Buffalo Synod became a part of the American Lutheran Church. Dr. Leupold graduated from the Martin Luther Seminary on June 24, 1914. Thereupon he served as pastor of a mission, Ascension Lutheran congregation in Buffalo, and at the same time held an assistant professorship at the Martin Luther Seminary until 1922. He served as professor of historical theology at the Martin Luther Seminary from 1922 to 1929. In 1929, when the Buffalo Synod dosed Martin Luther Seminary, Dr. Leupold was transferred to the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary at Capital University, Columbus, O., where he became professor of Old Testament Theology, in which capacity he is serving at the present time. He was elected secretary of the Theological Seminary faculty in 1941. Dr. Leupold received the Bachelor of Divinity degree from the Chicago Seminary in 1926 and the Doctor of Divinity degree from Capital University in 1935. Dr. Leupold has gained renown as an Old Testament scholar and an authority on liturgics. He has become a well-known lecturer and writer in these fields.</p> <p>H.C. Leupold’s two volumes on Genesis I and II have been praised by scholars as being everything an exegetical work ought to be. Written in the early twentieth century, this two-in-one volume has been tried and tested for decades, and remains much loved and often used today. Leupold provides careful exegesis and theological comment. His writing is well researched, and still easy to read. Leupold provides an introduction to the background of the book of Genesis before he jumps into his analysis of the text in his careful and well-thought-out commentary. This is a must-read for any scholar of the first book of the Bible, or for anyone desiring a greater understanding of the text.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Exposition of Genesis【電子書籍】[ HC Leupold ] 1

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