31 Days Faith Proclamations For Divine Healing【電子書籍】[ Ezekiel Benson ]

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<p>Under the New Testament Jesus: <em><strong>“Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses” ? Matthew 8:17</strong></em> A close study of this verse reveals to us our current health status in Christ Jesus. The summary of is:</p> <p><em><strong>“What Jesus took we don’t longer have. What Jesus bore on our behalf we no longer need to carry or suffer”</strong></em></p> <p>To have what Jesus took away and bore on our behalf is illegal. We are not supposed to have, carry, bare or suffer the sicknesses and infirmities Jesus took and bore on our behalf. What this means is that Satan or anyone does not have any legal right to put on us what Jesus took away or bore on our behalf. Satan does not have the legal right to make us suffer the sicknesses and diseases Jesus took and carried away on our behalf. Satan knows this, but just as we have wicked and unreasonable men on earth who defraud and oppress people by taking advantage of their ignorance of the law and their rights, Satan also takes advantage of peoples ignorance and provisions of God for perfect health to afflict them with sickness</p> <p>We are expected to show Satan, with firm faith in the finished work of Christ and the Word of God that it is spiritually and physically illegal for him to afflict us with sickness. You do this by forcefully declaring unto him under the power of the Holy Spirit, with firm faith in the Name of Jesus that the sickness in your body is illegal and on the basis of its illegality it should leave your body right now. This is called <strong>FAITH PROCLAMATIONS</strong></p> <p>Faith Proclamations takes the certainty of what God has done as revealed in His Word and boldly declares it in order to establish its realities in your life</p> <p>This is how we establish the realities of the finished work of Jesus on the cross in our lives; for when we dare to declare it and act on it in faith, we will see healing, health and wellness springing up in our body making every part of us whole and sound the way God intended. We can live free of sickness this way and always have the freshness of God‘s health all the time.</p> <p>This truth worked for the three million Israelites (Psalms 105:37) under the Old Testament, It has worked for millions under the New Testament who dared to believe and proclaim Gods Word in Faith. It will also work for you under the New Testament Covenant if you will dare to believe it and appropriate it in your life, for God said, <strong>“I am the Lord, I CHANGE NOT”-Micah 3:6</strong></p> <p>You can experience God’s divine healing; perfect health and wellness through Word of God based Faith Proclamations for Divine Healing. To help you with this, we offer you a power packed Word of God based Faith Proclamation Program for divine healing, <em><strong>perfect health and wellness spanning a period of 31 days</strong></em>. Daily use of the proclamations in this book will make your life conform to the Word of God with tangible evidence and manifestation of God supernatural divine healing, perfect health and wellness for your body</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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31 Days Faith Proclamations For Divine Healing【電子書籍】[ Ezekiel Benson ] 1

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    31 Days Faith Proclamations For Divine Healing【電子書籍】[ Ezekiel Benson ]

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